

Queen's Super Intelligence--Cloud Seeker Unmet (Common Number: Xitulan…

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작성자 Charles 작성일23-02-28 14:26 조회7,929회 댓글0건


The map on the table is somewhat large and highly detailed, drawing the area from Yunzhou to the east of Muzhou. Curiously, the map was marked with several thin red lines at this time. Are these red lines the new business road? Yan Shu asked, "Ah, is this going to extend to Xu Qu?" Yan Xiao nodded. Yan Shu touched his chin, "these business roads are so scattered and have no beginning or end." As he spoke, he suddenly remembered something. He stopped talking and confirmed, "Is this Madame's painting?" Standing aside, Cooper nodded. Yan Shu changed the subject directly and made the final decision, "these chapters!" Gong Flaw moved a few steps aside in disgust, apparently not wanting to get too close to Yan Shu. With a smile on her lips, Yan Xiao said, "That's natural." Yan Shu was affirmed, then came to the interest, he carefully looked at the red line on the map, looked at half ring, and really can not see any special doorway, then hold out a sentence, "this, this from the east of Muzhou around into Fengzhou, and from Fengzhou over Fanzhou, around quite far ah.." Can you sell more like this? The red line on the map is somewhat scattered, Yan Shu can not see is also common, in fact, earlier Cooper brought such a new business road layout route, Yan Xiao is also very confused for a while. Later, under Cooper's explanation,heavy duty cantilever racks, Yan Xiao knew that this was the first route layout she had selected. To establish a complete logistics system from Muzhou to Yunzhou, it is impossible to accomplish it overnight. In Cooper's plan, the first phase of the business layout first solves some simple node connections, while collecting funds, laying the foundation for the next phase of the layout. In recent years, under the management of Cooper, the ancient family already has a more mature business system from Yunzhou to Fanzhou, so there is no need to make additional adjustments to the region from Yunzhou to Fanzhou. Yan Xiao and Cooper's ideas naturally do not need to be explained to Yan Shu and Gong Xia at this time, Yan Shu is not helpful to know, and Gong Xia, Yan Xiao felt that after some time, he would be able to see. He called the two men today for another purpose. These commercial roads will be opened up before April. I came to you because I was afraid that Hou Fu would move too much and disturb the upper side. Yan Xiao said. Only then did Yan Shu and Gong Xia understand. Gong Xia thought for a moment and said, "It's just business ethics. It shouldn't make any big noise." Yan Shu nodded in agreement, "right, industrial racking systems ,push back racking system, right, right." Yan Xiao said: "This is only the first batch, and there will be several other arrangements in the future." As soon as he said this, Yan Shu and Gong Xia frowned. "In that case," said Yan Shu, "there will be some trouble. They will probably suspect that the Yanhou Mansion has gone to concentrate on business." Yan Xiao nodded and said, "That's hard for you!" Yan Shu froze for a moment, then came to his senses, "ah?" Yan Xiao said, "You cooperate with your wife's arrangement and help to find some cover. If you can't, you can drag a few more families into the water and try not to let people notice the movements here." Yan Shu often did these social and cover matters, but at this time he subconsciously felt some fuss, then tilted his head and looked at the map on the table for a while, with some vague ideas in mind, but could not grasp the margin. He simply looked at Yan Xiao and Cooper and answered, "OK, no problem!" Several people finished talking about business, and then talked about the matter of the Institute, learned that the Institute is developing a new material, several people's topic will turn to that side. The map with the red line is still lying quietly on the table. In the near future, the goods from all directions will be used as fresh blood to activate these seemingly unrelated trade routes, and finally firmly occupy the northwest of Shengchao. Chapter 66 In the days when the snow in Yunzhou began to melt, a group of caravans drove their chariots and horses away from Yunjue and headed west. They travel light and carry a lot of real money, but their main purpose is not to buy and sell goods. Gu Rong was originally a steward sent by Gu Lian. After Gu Lian married to Yan Hou Fu, Gu Lian took him and several of the original stewards of the ancient family to Yunjue with him. After that, he settled down in Yunjue.
The name of Yan Hou Fu is not an ordinary Tan Ying ancient family can be compared, in these ancient family old people have been ready to be Yan Hou Fu steward firmly under the pressure of one end, Cooper unexpectedly got the head of Yan Hou Fu. In the eyes of these old people of the ancient family, Miss Thirteen, who married out, was unexpectedly valued by the master of the Hou Mansion. She grasped the property under the name of the whole Yan Hou Mansion vigorously and vigorously, and arranged the position for these old people again. There is no fool who has been in the hands of Cooper for more than ten years. Gurong naturally knows that behind the power of Cooper, there must be the acquiescence and support of the two masters of Yanhou Mansion, but he still has a new understanding of the ability of Miss Thirteen. Now, he was ordered to leave Yunjue for Fengzhou to build a new trade route between Yucheng in the northeast of Fengzhou and Pengcheng in the southwest of Fanzhou. Gu Rong's heart could not restrain its excitement from the moment he received the order. He knew that if things were done well, he would be the head of this new business road, which was not the same as the days when he served under Gu Lian. He arrived in Fanzhou with the caravan. Fanzhou is adjacent to Yunzhou, and the ancient family and the Yan family have more or less operated in Fanzhou, so the affairs here in Fanzhou are handled very quickly. Plus when he arrived, the early news of the ancient family has helped to arrange a lot of things, Gu Rong did not spend any thought in Fanzhou. As early as the caravan took Gurung to Peng Cheng, they continued to leave westward, and they wanted to go further west to Muzhou to establish a new trade route. After dealing with the affairs of Fanzhou, Gu Rong took two assistants who were waiting by his side and set off for Fengzhou. The most important part of this trade route is in Yucheng, Fengzhou. Yucheng,industrial racking systems, located in the northeast of Fengzhou, is named after the Yuhe River flowing through it. At this time, he had to go to Yucheng to find a place to build a warehouse as an important transit station. jracking.com


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